Expectations Promoting Safety and Comfort for All Attendees<\/strong><\/p>The Boston Tea Party is open to everyone regardless of race, age, level of dance, sexual orientation, gender\/gender identity, disability, physical appearance, religion, or any other attribute.<\/p>
The organizers of this private event reserve the right to establish and enforce policies that promote a safe environment for everyone.<\/p>
Guidelines:<\/strong><\/p>Be respectful of those around you on the dance floor and of other people\u2019s safety and boundaries. Clarify any boundaries. <\/strong><\/p>- Safety First:<\/strong> Dancing in a manner that hurts or disregards the safety or comfort of other dancers is not acceptable. Respect others\u2019 personal dance space and potential physical limitations. Be aware that your partner\u2019s comfort zone may be different than yours. Ask before attempting moves such as aerials, dips, or drops. Please notify your partner of any serious physical limitations.<\/li><\/ul>
No words? We offer safety bracelets that caution \u201cTake it Easy!\u201d to increase awareness.<\/p>
Prevention: Alcohol and other substances can make it harder to judge boundaries accurately: please be mindful and stay within your safe limits.<\/p>
- Alcohol:<\/strong> The hotel and the event enforce hotel policy and State of Massachusetts laws regarding the purchase and consumption of alcohol in the hotel. NO alcohol is permitted in any ballroom areas unless purchased from the hotel bars. The bartenders will not serve patrons who appear intoxicated. Please enjoy only hotel- purchased drinks in the event spaces.<\/li>
- Firearms:<\/strong> The event prohibits firearms of any kind in the event spaces. Both the event and the Marriott have security staff in attendance and we also employ additional professional security personnel in the evenings to ensure the safety of our guests.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>
- Respect \u2018No\u2019:<\/strong> Every dancer has the right to decline to interact with another dancer, on or off the dance floor, without explanation or repercussion. Persistently ignoring or challenging another dancer\u2019s expressed wish NOT to interact during the course of an evening is harassment*, and is not acceptable. Predatory or intimidating behavior or refusing to abide by the above rules is grounds for exclusion from the event.<\/li><\/ul>
*Harassment can include offensive verbal comments directed toward another\u2019s attributes, sexual images, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, disruption of workshops or other events, inappropriate physical contact, or unwelcome sexual attention.<\/p>
*We understand that local events may ban individuals for predatory, intimidating, or unethical behaviors and that these actions are not undertaken lightly and are initiated to provide a safe environment for other dancers. We reserve the right to honor such bans as well. Any person who has been found to have been convicted of crimes such as rape or sexual assault or incidents affecting or targeting a minor in any way, or if they have been listed as such will be excluded from the event. Our first duty is to provide as safe an environment as possible for all our attendees, especially our juniors.<\/p>
- Clarify Boundaries:<\/strong> Dancing should be fun and enjoyable for everyone. If anyone makes you feel unsafe, uncomfortable, hurt, endangered, or embarrassed, please don\u2019t hesitate to let them and us know <\/strong><\/li>
- Report Concerns:<\/strong> If you witness behavior occurring that might seem unsafe for another, or someone seems uncomfortable or distressed, please check in with them or just ask them to dance. Also, make a staff member aware of your concerns. Everyone has a role in prevention.
<\/strong>- How to report:<\/strong> Feel free to approach any member of the registration or security (door) staff to report risky conditions or for assistance addressing concerns with another dancer. If registration is closed, please ask the DJ, event, or hotel staff to contact one of the event directors.<\/li>
- If you are concerned about a sensitive situation, ask to speak to a director, you do not need to specify why*. We will ask you how you wish the situation to be handled. We promise to listen and to treat you with respect and confidentiality*.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>
* MA state law requires the staff reports incidents of assault.<\/p>
- Personal Responsibility:<\/strong> Our goal is to make the event as fun yet as safe as possible for everyone. We cannot achieve this if we are not aware of safety concerns. Please tell us.<\/strong> Again, confidentiality and respect for guest safety is our first concern. Awareness of any risky situation is helpful so we can better protect you and other guests from any type of harm or injury.\u00a0<\/strong><\/li><\/ul>
- Purpose: <\/strong>This policy was designed by the event organizers to increase awareness and support for respect and safety<\/u> during the event. In reality, it takes all of us working together<\/strong> to decrease risks. This policy is designed to encourage all<\/strong> attendees to take responsibility for the safety and comfort of themselves and others in the community. The event attempts to provide a safe environment to the best of our ability. We encourage everyone to stay aware and sober enough to recognize and avoid risky situations and to ask for help if needed.\u00a0<\/strong><\/li><\/ul>
- Consequences: <\/strong>Any attendee or staff member failing to adhere to the above rules or guidelines regarding harassment will be approached about the problem (assuming the organizers are notified). Depending on the severity of the issue, the organizers may first speak to the person(s) involved and give suggestions to correct the problem (to do, or not do a behavior). Participants asked to stop any dangerous or harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Repeated or blatant disregard for these guidelines will result in the person being asked to leave the event immediately and without compensation or refund.\u00a0<\/strong><\/li><\/ul>
- Disclaimer: <\/strong>This policy also does not limit or in any way affect the ability or responsibility of any person who feels threatened or harassed to directly notify authorities. Our response to any issue depends upon the prompt reporting of any concerns and also upon any limits imposed by Massachusetts law. Although the event has no authority to remove anyone from hotel spaces outside those we contract for event use, we promise to support to our best ability our guests\u2019 continued enjoyment of the event without fear of harassment or reprisal.<\/li>
- In no way does the existence of this policy and our attempts in good faith to create a safe environment limit the full force and effect of the above Waiver of Liability for Wanna Dance Productions DBA The Boston Tea Party.<\/li><\/ul>
General Suggestions and Requests: <\/strong>(Dance Etiquette)<\/p>A guide for newcomers, a reminder for us all\u2026<\/p>
- Consideration:<\/strong>
- When in doubt, ask permission- not forgiveness.<\/li>
- Please don\u2019t dance out of control. If you run into other dancers more than once or twice in an evening, you are probably dancing too \u201cbig\u201d for the space available.<\/li>
- If you knock into someone, apologize quickly. Accept other’s apologies graciously.<\/li>
- Refrain from \u2018teaching\u2019 on the dance floor. Please don\u2019t assume your partner needs or wants \u2018fixing\u2019. You may view it as being helpful. Your partners view it as being rude.<\/li>
- Although we support every dancer\u2019s right to refuse a dance, please be generous and inclusive, especially to newcomers. We were all new once.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>
- Hygiene:<\/strong><\/li><\/ul>
Attention to personal hygiene is appreciated for activities that involve close physical contact. \u00a0<\/p>
It also makes you a more sought-after partner.<\/p>
- Please refrain<\/strong> from using perfume or cologne<\/strong>, as more people are\u00a0 sensitive\/allergic to scents than we realize. One of our staff was almost sent to the hospital last year for an asthmatic reaction to scent.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>
- Be aware of breath odor and body odor and take appropriate measures. \u2028<\/li>
- If you tend to become overheated, please change into dry clothing as\u2028needed.\u00a0<\/strong><\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>
- Self Care:<\/strong><\/li><\/ul>
We enjoy ourselves more when we are feeling well.<\/p>
- If your body needs sleep or nourishment, listen.<\/li>
- Wash your hands frequently to stay healthy.<\/li>
- Avoid isolated locations<\/strong> alone or with anyone you don\u2019t know well.<\/li>
- If you drink over your limit, please<\/strong> stop dancing for a while. Hang out, have fun, chat with friends\u2026but don\u2019t dance and risk injury to yourself or others.\u00a0<\/strong><\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>
- Quiet Hours:<\/strong><\/li><\/ul>
Please be respectful of other guest’s need for rest and keep noise levels low in sleeping areas from 11pm-7am<\/strong>. The hotel will enforce this expectation. Repeated or blatant disregard for these guidelines will result in the person(s) being asked to leave the hotel immediately and without compensation or refund. \u00a0<\/p>- Staff:<\/strong><\/li><\/ul>
Please treat the event and hotel staff with patience and respect, they are working hard to provide you with an excellent conference experience. Address any specific concerns with the event directors. Your satisfaction is our priority and we promise to do all we can to resolve any issues.<\/p>
A BIG<\/strong> shout out to ALL<\/strong> our staff and our attendees!<\/p>It would not be a Tea Party without you!<\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t